Section properties |
Elastic modulus - major axis, yy | Wel = 16.4 cm3 | |
Plastic modulus - major axis, yy | Wpl = 18.9 cm3 | |
Second moment of area - major axis, yy | Iy = 64.1 cm4 | |
Second moment of area - minor axis, zz | Iz = 6.85 cm4 | |
Warping constant | Iw = 0.00009 dm6 | |
Torsional constant | IT = 0.38 cm4 | |
Area of section | A = 630 mm2 | |
Factors and design values of material coefficients (EN 1993-1-1:2005 and National Annex) |
Young's modulus of elasticity | E = 210,000 N/mm² | cl.3.2.6 |
Poisson's ratio in elastic stage | v = 0.3 | cl.3.2.6 |
Shear modulus | Gs = 81,000 N/mm² | cl.3.2.6 |
Partial factor for resistance of cross-sections | γM0 = 1 | cl.6.1(1)B |
Partial factor for resistance to instability | γM1 = 1 | cl.6.1(1)B |
Factor for shear area | η = 1 | EN 1993-1-5:2006 cl.5.1(2) / I.S.-EN NA |
Limiting non dimensional slenderness ratio | λLT,0 = 0.4 | cl. |
Beta factor for buckling reduction factor calculation | β = 0.75 | cl. |
Yield strength |
Nominal yield strength for S355 grade and nominal section thickness 4.20 mm | fy = 355 N/mm² | Table 3.1 |
Section classification (EN 1993-1-1:2005 cl.5.5) |
Epsilon | ε = 0.814 | EN 1993-1-1:2005 Table 5.2 |
Flange ratio for local buckling | cf / tf = 3.9 | |
Flange ratio limit for class 1 | 9 ε = 7.32 | Table 5.2 (sheet 2 of 3) |
Flange class | Classf = 1 | |
Web ratio for local buckling | cw / tw = 18.6 | |
Web ratio limit for class 1 | 72 ε = 58.6 | Table 5.2 (sheet 1 of 3) |
Web class | Classw = 1 | |
Section class | Class = 1 | |
Shear resistance (EN 1993-1-1:2005 cl.6.2.6) |
Height of web | hw = 69.6 mm | |
Shear area for I and H sections | Av = 299 mm² | cl.6.2.6 (3) |
Design shear resistance | Vpl,Rd = 61.3 kN | eq (6.18) |
Shear buckling (EN 1993-1-5:2006 cl.5) |
The shear buckling resistance for webs should be verified according to Section 5 of EN 1993-1-5 if (hw / tw) > (72 ε / η) | | |
Web ratio for shear buckling | hw / tw = 21.7 | EN 1993-1-5:2006 cl.5.1 (2) |
Shear buckling limit | 72 ε / η = 58.6 | EN 1993-1-5:2006 cl.5.1 (2) |
(hw / tw) <= (72 ε / η) therefore shear buckling calculation not required | | |
Bending resistance (EN 1993-1-1:2005 cl.6.2.5) |
The shear force (11 kN) is less than half of the plastic shear resistance (61 kN / 2 = 31 kN), therefore its effect on moment resistance may be neglected. |
Class 1 section, therefore use plastic modulus | Wpl = 18,900 mm³ | |
Design bending resistance | Mc,Rd = 6.71 kNm | eq (6.13) |
Design buckling resistance (EN 1993-1-1:2005 cl.6.3.2) |
C1 factor | C1 = 1 | |
Shear modulus of elasticity | Gs = 81,000 N/mm² | cl.3.2.6 (1) |
Buckling length | Lcr = 1,000 mm | |
Critical buckling moment | MCR = 8.38 kNm | NCCI SN003b-EN-EU |
Class 1 section, therefore use plastic modulus | Wpl = 18,900 mm³ | cl. |
Non-dimensional slenderness ratio | λLT = 0.895 | cl. (1) |
Depth to width ratio for buckling curve | h / b = 1.7 | |
Buckling curve for h / b ratio | Buckling curve = b | Table 6.5 |
Imperfection factor for buckling curve b | αLT = 0.34 | Table 6.3 |
Intermediate factor for reduction factor calculation | φLT = 0.884 | cl. (1) |
Buckling reduction factor | χLT = 0.763 | eq (6.57) |
Correction factor for moment distribution | kc = 1 | Table 6.6 |
Moment distribution modification factor | f = 1 | cl. (2) |
Modified buckling reduction factor | χLT,mod = 0.763 | eq (6.58) |
Design buckling resistance | Mb,Rd = 5.12 kNm | eq (6.55) |